


Weight gain in pregnancy varies from person to person. It also depends on your weight before you become pregnant.

Most pregnant women gain between 10kg and 12.5kg (22lb to 26lb), putting on most of the weight after week 20. Much of the extra weight is due to your baby growing, but your body will also be storing fat, ready to make breast milk after your baby is born.

Putting on too much or too little weight while you’re pregnant can lead to health problems for you or your unborn baby. But don’t worry, it’s easy to make healthy food choices. Find out what to eat when pregnant and what foods to avoid.


There isn’t a specific time when pregnancy food cravings start. It’s different for every woman – and you may not necessarily have any cravings.

If you do start having cravings, it’ll probably be in your first trimester (it could be as early as 5 weeks into pregnancy). They’ll get stronger in your second trimester, and then eventually stop in your third trimester.

Cravings come in all shapes and sizes. Some women crave fatty foods like chips. Others get pregnancy cravings for things they didn’t like before they got pregnant, or strange combinations of food such as mars bars with bacon.

Try to eat as healthily as possible – keep those unhealthy temptations to a minimum!

If you find yourself craving things that aren’t food, like toothpaste, coal or even soil, speak to your midwife or doctor, as this may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency.

About Laurel OB/GYN

Laurel OB/GYN serves women of
Western North Carolina as an
independent obstetrics and
gynecology practice in Asheville.


Mon-Fri: 8:15 AM – 5:00 PM
Closed: Sat-Sun

41 Oakland Rd, Suite 200
Asheville, NC 28801

Call: 828-253-5381

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